RISI already has its 1,1 MW PV installation generating clean and renewable energy20200729115142

RISI already has its 1,1 MW PV installation generating clean and renewable energy

A turnkey solution carried out by Prosolia Energy, that will prevent the emission of approx. 519250 kg per year of CO2 into the atmosphere. In Prosoli...
Prosolia Energy has designed and developed a 193.8 kWp PV energy solution at Aquamar facilities20200708083013

Prosolia Energy has designed and developed a 193.8 kWp PV energy solution at Aquamar facilities

Prosolia Energy has designed and developed a 193.8 kWp PV energy solution based on efficiency, savings, and generation of energy from renewable source...
Prosolia Energy has completed a new photovoltaic solution in Selpromar facilities, which will reduce the emission of 97.786 kg of CO2 per year20200626150401

Prosolia Energy has completed a new photovoltaic solution in Selpromar facilities, which will reduce the emission of 97.786 kg of CO2 per year

This 201, 6 kWp photovoltaic project (promoted by Helexia España and designed, developed, and executed by Prosolia Energy) on the roof of Selpromar HQ...
New photovoltaic power plant project at TUPAI facilities20200618145849

New photovoltaic power plant project at TUPAI facilities

We are pleased to announce a new collaboration of Prosolia Energy with Helexia Portugal for the execution of a 750.2 kWp photovoltaic power plant at T...
Alicante Plaza reports the renewable project that Prosolia Energy has brought to light through the Ecrowd! platform.20200608144832